DPS RN Extension Organizes Donation Drive for Underprivileged Children

DPS RN Extension organized a donation drive to Shakti Pathshala, a school for underprivileged children. The event aimed to provide essential items and engage children through various activities. Twenty-two students from Classes X to XII participated in the event.


During the event, several activities were conducted including a colouring session for tiny tots, an art and craft session led by the art teacher and a fun ball activity conducted by the physical education teacher. In addition, engaging sports activity was organized to make the event more interactive. Further, a short lecture on personal hygiene was delivered and a separate session addressed the unique needs of girls who had attained puberty. Each child received a hygiene kit containing soap, toothpaste, toothbrush, comb, coconut oil and towel, while girls received an additional packet of sanitary pads.

Ms. Pallavi Upadhyaya, Principal, DPS RN Extension, expressed, “We are overwhelmed to see the response we received from these children. Throughout the event, our students actively engaged with those children, building strong connections and promoting compassion, empathy and social responsibility. The donation drive left a profound and lasting impact on the lives of the underprivileged children at Shakti Pathshala. We look forward to organizing more such initiatives in the future.”

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