Statement from Mr Shailesh Chandra, President, SIAM

Mumbai, 12th September 2024

Society of Indian Automobile Manufacturers (SIAM) welcomes the Cabinet’s approval of schemes related to enhancing electric mobility in the country.

Mr Shailesh Chandra, President, SIAM and Managing Director, Tata Motors Passenger Vehicles Ltd & Tata Passenger Electric Mobility Ltd. said “PM e-DRIVE scheme of Rs 10,900 Crores, which includes Two-Wheelers, Three-Wheelers, Ambulances, Trucks & E-Buses and PM-eBus Sewa Payment Security Mechanism of Rs 3,435 Crores is a progressive step that underscores the firm commitment towards promoting sustainable mobility. It will undoubtedly help accelerate the adoption of electric vehicles (EVs) across the country, making clean and green transportation more accessible to all.

This forward-thinking initiative reflects the Government’s unwavering support for India’s transition to electric mobility, fostering innovation and investment within the sector. We believe this scheme will not only enhance the growth of the EV ecosystem but also strengthen India’s leadership in the global movement towards environmental sustainability.

The automotive industry stands ready to continue working collaboratively with the Government to ensure advancements in EV technology and infrastructure, aligning our efforts with the nation’s ambitious goals for a cleaner, greener future.”

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